Wednesday, August 11, 2010

30 things to do before I turn 30....

I had an "OMG, I'm going to be 30 next year" freak out moment the other day and it inspired me to come up with a list of things to do before the "big day". Since I'm short on time (my birthday is in April), some of these are easily achievable, but I'm still looking forward to the challenge.

1. Learn to make caramels
2. Learn to make French Macarons
3. Go to an LSU football or baseball game
4. Go to a Renaissance Festival
5. Buy a new car DONE 8/31/10 Toyota Sienna! Joining the mini van club!
6. Attend an outdoor music festival
7. Create a personal cookbook of family recipes
8. Tour a brewery
9. Pay off my credit card
10. Make a pie from scratch, including the crust
11. Learn to knit and complete a project
12. Adopt a Pug or French Bulldog from a rescue DONE 8/20/10 Jockamo joins the crew!

13. Build a sand castle with my girls
14. Go on a family trip

15. Fly a Kite on the levee
16. Get a professional haircut/style
17. Spend a day at the spa
18. Cook a 5-course meal and have a dinner party with my friends
19. Read 10 books in 10 weeks
20. Visit a State Park
21. Have a baby (this is a topic for a future blog post, but we're expecting a surprise #3 in Feb, 2011!)
22. Go to a Comedy Show
23. Clean out my closet and donate all the clothes I never wear to Goodwill
24. Paint the House
25. Do a 30-day Yoga experience
26. Go Fishing
27. Take the girls to the New Orleans Children's museum
28. Visit a Zoo outside of my city DONE 8/21/10 Audubon Zoo and Aquarium!

29.  Design and build a chicken coop for my "urban chickens"
30. Volunteer with either Habitat for Humanity or the Humane society

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