1. Learn to make caramels
2. Learn to make French Macarons
3. Go to an LSU football or baseball game
4. Go to a Renaissance Festival
6. Attend an outdoor music festival
7. Create a personal cookbook of family recipes
9. Pay off my credit card
10. Make a pie from scratch, including the crust
11. Learn to knit and complete a project
13. Build a sand castle with my girls
15. Fly a Kite on the levee
16. Get a professional haircut/style
17. Spend a day at the spa
18. Cook a 5-course meal and have a dinner party with my friends
19. Read 10 books in 10 weeks
21. Have a baby (this is a topic for a future blog post, but we're expecting a surprise #3 in Feb, 2011!)
22. Go to a Comedy Show
24. Paint the House
25. Do a 30-day Yoga experience
26. Go Fishing
27. Take the girls to the New Orleans Children's museum
29. Design and build a chicken coop for my "urban chickens"
30. Volunteer with either Habitat for Humanity or the Humane society
I love your list!